Dear J.K Rowling, it`s not about male violence, it`s about feminist women like you

When you decided to take part of discussion of trans people, I`m not sure you realised you set yourself into a fight that is as important for us as having a right to vote was for women and getting married was for gay people. 

I think many of us would give their right to vote and get married if we got to keep the right to change our bodies and to be treated as we are, not as we were at the moment of birth. For transgender people who identify somehow their biological sex may be relevant, for transsexuals it does nothing but makes us invisible and denies we are not like people of our birth sex. We have moved to an era our bodies can be changed and we must confess it.

You are complaining you are getting death threaths. Transgender and transsexual people are getting killed around the world. They don`t even have to say anything, it`s enough they just try to live their lives in peace. When they try to speak, they get the same treatment.

You called transsexual boys and men a consequince of society full of male violence and misogyny. Millions of people are reading what you said. Your kind of feminist women have made whole world around you victims of your patriarchy.

Saying transsexual men wouldn`t exist if women were treated better is no different than saying lesbians wouldn`t exist if straight women were treated better by men. It`s a very selfish act of using other people to your own advantage and causing them massive amount of problems.

You claimed TERF`s are not trans exclusionary and they are supporting transsexual mens rights because we were born in female body. I know feminists are not usually very good at logical thinking but claiming women who have a 60 year long history of harassing us, trying to make us look like a victim of their allmighty patriarchy, using us as a puppet of their political agenda seeing women as victims and trying to stop our treatments and leave us suffering, you must have set some kind of record of lacking sense of reality.

If these women who call us traitors of their sex and say we are ruined by patriarchy are supporting our rights, there is no reason right wing male rights -groups who say transsexual women are traitors of male sex and men ruined by feminist ideas cannot support transsexual womens rights. After all these two groups are a spitting image of each other.

You try to claim you support biological views of sex. But when it comes to changing bodies, you deny biological reasons behind it and try to replace them with feminist ideas. Reasons people are changing their bodies aren`t found there. They are found in biology. We as a species have tendency to like people who look feminine or masculine because those are traits of our fertility. For most people it`s useful to highlight features of their biological sex to achieve a better social status and get a partner and sexual life they want. 

But for small amount of people with different sexuality and brains it isn`t useful at all. You are not going to get stright sex with women who admire your masculinity when you look like woman, which is feminine. It isn`t either going to get you a girlfriend who gives birth a baby for you. It`s called a tactic of reproduction which for most of us is the only way it's bearable. Masculine people have never been keen on being pregnant and having kids. When we are changing our bodies we are getting sexual partners and life we weren´t able to have before and this has nothing to do with patriarchy.

Thing feminist movement never understood is our social realities are born biologically and tied to our bodies. It doesn`t matter how much feminists fight gender norms or tell transsexual women men can wear dresses too.  It´s not us who are "gender confused", it's society around us.

You said it`s the men who oppress "us". There is no us and it`s not just the men. It`s women like you and your fairytale of patriarchy that has gone so far people can no longer be masculine and even exist without being blamed hating women.

These women are an example of why I never supported feminism. Women always told it was about equality but every time I saw a feminist raging how transsexual men are just trying to achieve male privilege and attack on them, as if it was their fault looking like a man they get sexual attention from different people and life they want, it was easy to see what was true purpose of feminism. It was all about making "strong female communities" so you can start to oppress other people and use misogyny as a weapon against them when something in their existance is not the way you like.

You can help women and you can speak about violence you have experienced as a woman, but it is not right you are trying to put your own experiences as a woman in our mouth.

We will defend ourselves and especially the young from women like you, who are trying to fill their heads with questionable ideas of them being victims.

If doesn't help you or clean your reputation you try to explain we can exist or identify somehow. These things do nothing to us.

Apologize you claimed we are victims and a product of misogyny. Unless you don't, you will always be for us like a woman who claimed lesbians are a consequince of male violence and hating men.

- 40+ year transsexual man tired of feminist bullshit

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